How To Recognize Energy Vampires: 6 Telltale Signs

an illustration of a vampire's lips

In our everyday life, we encounter all sorts of personalities. This includes people with a talent for sapping the life from those around them – colloquially known as “energy vampires”.

Spotting these energy-draining personalities is crucial for protecting your own well-being.

In this article, we’ll explore six behaviors to help you recognize energy vampires. They include constant negativity, emotional exhaustion, self-centered behavior, and a chronic victim mentality.

By understanding these subtle red flags, you’ll know how to identify and navigate interactions with people who might drain your energy.

Whether in the workplace, social circles, or family settings, being aware of these traits empowers you to establish boundaries and cultivate a more positive environment.

How to recognize energy vampires: key signs

Here are 6 telltale signs that you’re in the presence of an energy vampire.

1. The conversation centers around them

When you talk to an energy vampire, the conversation revolves around them.

You will constantly talk about their job, relationship, or family life.

If you try to get a word in, or change the topic of conversation, you won’t have much success.

Energy vampires don’t understand that conversations are a two-way street. Turn-taking is important, and so is listening and giving others the space to share.

Instead, these personalities take up all the space in a conversation and make you feel unimportant.

2. You always talk about their problems

Energy vampires frequently bring up their issues. Whether it’s an ex boyfriend or work problems, they seem to have a rolodex of issues they can tap into on a moment’s notice.

While most people are self-aware enough to stop bringing up the same problems, this is not the case with an energy vampire.

As a result, you might even slip into a therapist role. The energy vampire vents, and you try to offer solutions.

This quickly becomes exhausting and frustrating, because they’re not actually interested in listening to your advice. They just want someone to vent to.

To make things worse, an energy vampire will never reciprocate when you need support. You’ll get a one-sentence reply and then they’ll shift the conversation back to their life.

3. They never take accountability

Energy vampires have a victim mentality, which prevents them from taking accountability and dealing with their problems like an adult.

People who are accountable can recognize the role they play in their own suffering. They will analyze their actions and try to change their behavior.

For example, someone who’s trying to put a stop to situationships will consider how their own lack of boundaries has contributed to their string of unfulfilling relationships.

Energy vampires are unable to do so because they see themselves as a perpetual victim. They don’t want to invest their time and energy in making positive life improvements.

They believe that life happens to them and there’s nothing they can do to change their circumstances.

4. They struggle to hold on to friends

Energy vampires usually don’t have long-term friendships. In fact, they might not have any close friends.

This is to be expected when you’re a bad listener and don’t understand that relationships are about give and take.

While an energy vampire is happy to talk for hours about their problems, they don’t hold space for their friends to do the same.

Sooner or later, their friends realize the one-sided nature of their relationship and they walk away to focus on more fulfilling friendships.

5. Spending time with them is exhausting

You’ll know you’re in the company of an energy vampire if you keep glancing at the clock and waiting for an exit opportunity.

Their presence exhausts you, making you feel like you couldn’t handle another social interaction for at least another 24 hours.

While it’s normal to feel tired after socializing, energy vampires take it to a new level. They demand far too much attention and emotional labor. And their pessimistic attitude also rubs off on you and drains your energy.

6. You dread hanging out with them

Unless you have crippling social anxiety, you should be excited to spend time with a loved one. Or at the very least, you should look forward to seeing them.

But feelings of dread are not normal, and are a major sign of an energy vampire. You’re dreading their constant complaining, negative attitude, and lack of interest in what’s going on in your life.

You might not be aware of this on a cognitive level – but your body knows the truth. So, pay attention to the messages it’s sending you.

How to deal with an energy vampire

Now that you know how to recognize energy vampires, it’s time to learn how to deal with them.

The key to dealing with energy-draining personalities is setting boundaries.

First, you’ll want to limit your interactions as much as possible. When you notice that you’re being drained by the conversation, make a polite exit.

It’s also very important to avoid slipping into the role of a therapist. An energy vampire isn’t interested in solutions, so you’ll be wasting your breath trying to help them.

If this person is a close friend or relative, then you might want to talk to them about their behavior. Explain how their selfishness has made you feel (without resorting to attacks) and give them a chance to change.

For example, you could say: “I’ve noticed that whenever we hang out, we spend most of the time talking about your problems. I also don’t feel like you are interested in what I have to say. While I appreciate that you trust me enough to confide in me, I wish we could talk about other things that aren’t so emotionally draining.”

If the person promises to change their behavior, then watch their actions – not words.

I’ve known energy vampires who constantly promised to change their ways. And yet their actions spoke otherwise. Anyone can promise anything, but the truth is evident in the way they treat you.

If someone can’t make space for you in their life, and give you an equal level of care and attention, then they don’t value you. Naturally, there are ebbs and flows in each relationship, and sometimes a loved one will need extra support. But this shouldn’t be the status quo.

Remember: you deserve to have emotionally fulfilling relationships. Not relationships that leave you drained.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this article, let me know: you can connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. All opinions are my own and don’t represent the views of anyone else.


Marketing is my day job. But I'm also passionate about sharing my dating expertise to help women date better and have more fulfilling relationships.

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